Friday, November 15, 2013

New DVDs in the library

At last!  I have updated the list of films you can borrow (click here.)  If you click on the name of the film, you can watch the trailer.  All of the DVDs have English subtitles too.

Speak Up Magazine offer

Speak Up are offering a magazine, CD and DVD every month for 13,50€.  You also get 4 books (which includes a English grammar, English verbs, basic vocabulary and street slang).  Click here for the offer.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

2014 calendar

This 2014 desk calendar is a great way of building your vocabulary! You can buy it on this website.

Changes to the First Certificate and Advanced exams

There are going to be some BIG changes in the First Certificate and Advanced exams from 2015.
For more detailed information, you can watch this recorded webinar.

Cambridge English TV

I have just recently discovered Cambridge English TV.  There are lots of great resources!  Take a look for yourself: click here.